Thursday, March 19, 2015

Today is St Joseph's day 3/19/15
Primarily celebrated in New Orleans, its a reminder of the cooperation between Native Americans and the slave and freedmen (before the natives were almost totally wiped out, of course).  Its not really important to much of anyone but myself--however, my grandmother was Cherokee and my granfather Choctaw, and I was born by the res in Red Oak Oklahoma.
So the holiday appeals to me for personal cultural reasons.  It also appeals to me because its a piece of LEGIT Mardi Gras culture that goes back to the pre "Girls Gone Wild" era.  So its a reminder that the French Quarter and all the bullshit frat/sorority/drunken douchebaggery is NOT the real thing.  
Like a lot of modern Americans so removed from their original roots or whose roots are so mixed as to be indistinguishable, thoughout my life I've acquired my own cultural ideals (including holidays and celebrations).  Although its enough for a separate blog (or book really), a lot of people do that, and also choose their own 'family' as they go along.  That's what someone is referring to when they say "you have two families-the one youre born with and the one you make".  Anyways, from a squat in a condemned building in New Orleans, I acquired this holiday and continue to keep it alive. I hope I am successful in passing it to my family as well.
So, put a feather in your hair to support the various chiefs of the 'tribes' (crews) in New Orleans or just take a second to google some history.  Either way, I hope you take a moment to celebrate a good, non-halmark holiday.

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