Saturday, September 24, 2016

WANTED: Volunteers and Donations for NEW Campaign & Foundation to DECREASE HUMAN BREEDING/OVERPOPULATION:

Here's the concept- Myself and a few others are going to form a nonprofit foundation or other type of nonprofit entity that will be focused on having some effect on the ever-exponentially-increasing human population of our ONLY inhabited planet. 
I think its become quite GLARINGLY CLEAR that the sheer number of human beings on this planet is having deleterious effect on the livability of the entire planet.  In other words:  The huge amount of people here are making it impossible for ANY people to live here.
Something has to be done.
I, and many others, have children now.  So I can no longer simply say "well, i'll probably be gone by the time its so bad that ____" (which is probably untrue anyway).  So I feel like I absolutely MUST do something that affects this GIGANTIC, OBVIOUS problem of a deteriorating environment.  By the time its undeniable and apparent to anyone, it will definately be too late...even if that time is only a decade or two away.
Clearly, we can't leave it to politicians.  Even if there was ONE we could trust, she or he would not be able to individually go against the current of the rest and accomplish anything impactful.
So here's our idea:
This foundation will (and we are still open to submission on methodology & implementation of same) encourage people to STOP HAVING MORE KIDS.
-We are NOT talking about discouraging the continuation of the human race period, but talking about encouraging every couple to have ONE child rather than EIGHT or even TWO.  IF we can accomplish this, even in a few cases, then there will be a DECREASE in the end accounting.  For example, if a couple (meaning 2) people has 1 child only...and that one child in turn has only one child with another individual..and so forth..then in a few generations we will begin to see an exponential DECREASE in overall population, WITHOUT barring anyone's inherent right to reproduce.

The first plan we have come up with and attendant notes follows:
(after another week or two encouraging comment, we will look at whether to go to a crowdfunding site or explore other options for initial funding)

-1 level for 'Promise' or 'Pledge'-where essentially give ppl a ring or somesuch
that is fairly nice but not so nice as to be pawnable..perhaps real silver
w 1 of 12 'birthstones'?
--here, we DO NOT expect 100% compliance with 'pledge' BUT their wearing
the ring or bracelet, etc (tshirt?) functions as marketing & social

-2 Second Level for getting 'tubes tied' or whatever.  In other words, a PERmaNENT
or as much as can be, solution.
--ALSO should function as HUGE marketing campaign, without even havng to pay
anything for it.  Once we send out press releases detailing foundation's
2nd level..or even the first..then are SURE to be ppl 'outraged'.

THE POINT: 3.5 million people in the next decade will lose their jobs to
'automation' like automated stores, online retailing, robotic manufacturing,
or even autonomous cars!
           1/3rd of the population of Africa-an ENTIRE CONTINENT-is both malnourished
           and undernourished. This is, of course, not a perfect number, and indications
           are it is LOWER than reality..but even so-it represents MILLIONS SUFFERING
           ON A DAILY BASIS
           Gobal warming, carbon waste, coral bleaching, deforestation, melting
           ice caps, acid rain, etc are ALL a result of TOO MANY PEOPLE in some
           fashion, to some degree.  For example, would there be deforestation
           if the total population of, say, Brazil, was 1 million instead of
           MANY TIMES that?  No, almost surely not.

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